



Aim, Cover, Definitions


Article 1 –This Statutes aim to regulate the Dokuz Eylul University Occupational Health Center (DEUOHC) objectives, activities, management bodies and the tasks and working methods which is established in accordance to DEU Directorate.


Article 2 –  The Articles in this Statutes covers the prorvisions of the activities, governing bodies, management bodies and their duties relating to the operation af DEUOHC


Article 3 –  This statutes based on and in accordance to the Higher Education Law No: 2547 7th Article the first paragraph section (d) and subsection (2) and the Article 14th.


Article 4 –

a) University: Dokuz Eylül Üniversity,

b) Director: Dokuz Eylül Üniversity Director,

c) Center (DEUOHC): Dokuz Eylul University Occupational Health Center

ç) Manager: Manager of DEUOHC,

d) Board: Center’ Board of Directors

e) Advisory Committe: Center’ Advisory Committe

f) Working Group: Center’ work and task groups,

g) Occupational Health: Occupational Health and Safety



Artıcle 5-  The Aims of the Center includes;

a) To ensure cooperation and coordination efforts in different departments within the university, related to employees’ health-related priorities and requirements


To provide advice on occupational health services, produce and execute projects with the parties within and outside the University.


c) To create and provide application areas for Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in occupational health education.

ç) Organizing and implementing of occupational health activities in local, national and international level.

d) To participate development of local, national and international policies and action programs in relation to working life


Working Areas

Article 6-

a) Scientific and technological research and applications in working life


b) Organization and participation of seminars, conferences, symposia, courses – and other scientific meetings and training programs in local, national and international levels in occupational health with other relevant institutions and organizations

c) Support students and faculty who wish to receive training on occupational health in University

ç) Providing and performing the research project, analysis, laboratory investigations and consulting and expert services for local, national and international public and private sector institutions, real and legal persons.

d) Making national and international publications, periodicals, and create a library and documentation center in accordance to the purpose of Center

e) To create working groups or units,

f) To rise work-related health manpower and equipment in accordance to the purposes of Center.

g) To acquire the appropriate laboratory equipments, research and application units that is movable and immovable properties which are necessary for Center’s works,

Competent Autority

Article 18-  Competent authority of the Center is the Director of the University. Director could tranferred partially or completely authority to the Center’ President.